upbraid |
to criticize or reproach severely; reprimand. |
upbringing |
the training and rearing of a child or children. |
abbreviation of "Universal Product Code," a series of vertical bars printed on packages of consumer goods that indicates price, type of product, and the like, and that can be read by a computerized scanner. (Cf. bar code.) |
upchuck |
(informal) to vomit. |
upcoming |
expected to appear or take place in the near future. |
upcountry |
of, relating to, or located in the inland part of a country or region. [3 definitions] |
update |
to provide (someone) with new or current information; bring up to date. [4 definitions] |
updraft |
an upward current of air. |
upend |
to set or stand on end. [3 definitions] |
up for |
(informal) eager or willing to engage in something. [4 definitions] |
up for grabs |
(informal) within the potential grasp of anyone; not secured by any one person. |
up-front |
frank; forthcoming. [4 definitions] |
upgrade |
an upward slope or incline. [4 definitions] |
upgradeable |
combined form of upgrade. |
upheaval |
an act, instance, or condition of being raised or heaved upward, as a section of the earth's crust. [2 definitions] |
upheave |
to lift or raise forcefully; heave upwards. |
uphill |
on an upward slope, or in an upward direction. [5 definitions] |
uphold |
to support or affirm, esp. in the face of a challenge. [2 definitions] |
upholster |
to provide (furniture) with springs, padding, and a covering. |
upholstery |
materials such as springs, padding, and fabric that are used to cover couches, chairs, or the like. [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "United Press International." |