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Vandyke beard a short beard trimmed to a point.
Vandyke collar a broad lace or linen collar with a scalloped or deeply indented edge.
vane a device mounted so that it rotates freely in the wind, indicating the wind's direction; weather vane. [4 definitions]
vanguard the leading or foremost position or part of a movement or force; forefront. [2 definitions]
vanilla any of several tropical orchids whose fruit contains a fragrant flavoring agent. [4 definitions]
vanilla bean the long, narrow seedpod of the orchid plant vanilla, used in making the food flavoring called vanilla.
vanillin a fragrant white crystalline compound obtained from the vanilla bean or prepared synthetically, used as a flavoring and in perfumes.
vanish to disappear quickly from sight. [4 definitions]
vanishing point in perspective, the point at which receding parallel lines appear to converge. [2 definitions]
vanity an excessive admiration of oneself, esp. one's appearance; conceit; vainness. [6 definitions]
vanity case a small traveling case, used by women, that is designed to carry cosmetics and toiletries.
vanity plate a car license plate with letters and numbers chosen by the owner rather than assigned by the state.
vanity press a publisher that publishes books for which the author pays the costs; vanity publisher.
vanquish to subdue or defeat by or as if by greater force; conquer; overcome.
vanquishable combined form of vanquish.
vantage a condition or position that offers superiority; advantageous position. [2 definitions]
Vanuatu an island country in the southwestern Pacific east of Australia; New Hebrides.
vanward moving, directed toward, or in the van or front.
vapid lacking spirit, life, or flavor; dull; uninteresting.
vapor tiny particles of a liquid or solid suspended in or diffused through air or gas, such as smoke or mist. [7 definitions]
vaporing boastful; bombastic; high-flown. [4 definitions]