venireman |
someone summoned under a venire facias to appear in court as a prospective juror. |
venison |
the flesh of a deer, used as food. |
veni, vidi, vici |
(Latin) I came, I saw, I conquered (said by Julius Caesar after a victory). |
Venn diagram |
a type of diagram that uses overlapping circles to show shared characteristics among groups or sets. |
venom |
the poisonous fluid that certain snakes, insects, scorpions, and other animals produce and transmit to their prey by biting or stinging. [2 definitions] |
venomous |
producing venom; able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting. [2 definitions] |
venous |
of, relating to, or composed of veins. [2 definitions] |
vent |
an opening which allows entrance, passage, or exit of a gas or vapor, esp. of air or smoke. [5 definitions] |
ventilate |
to provide (an interior space) with fresh air or a means of air circulation. [3 definitions] |
ventilation |
the process of ventilating or state of being ventilated. [2 definitions] |
ventilator |
something that ventilates, esp. a device that expels foul air and draws in clean, fresh air. |
ventless |
combined form of vent. |
ventral |
situated on the anterior or lower side of the body, an organ, or the like. [2 definitions] |
ventricle |
one of the lower chambers of the heart, which receive blood from the atria. [2 definitions] |
ventriloquism |
the skill or practice of speaking so that the voice appears to arise from a source other than the speaker; ventriloquy. |
ventriloquist |
a person who can speak or utter sounds without moving his or her lips, and who makes a puppet, other person, or animal appear to speak, esp. as a form of entertainment. |
ventriloquy |
ventriloquism. |
venture |
an undertaking or enterprise that involves risk or is of uncertain outcome. [6 definitions] |
venture capital |
funds invested by owners or stockholders in a new business venture that usu. involves high risk. |
venturesome |
tending to take risks; brave. [2 definitions] |
venturi tube |
a short tube with a constricted section at the center that lowers the pressure and increases the velocity of fluid flowing through the tube, used to measure fluid flow. |