waspy |
of or like a wasp. |
wassail |
a toast or salutation, once spoken when offering a drink to someone or drinking to someone's health. [4 definitions] |
Wassermann test |
a diagnostic test for syphilis that detects the presence of syphilitic antibodies in the blood serum. |
wastage |
loss through wear, deterioration, destruction, erosion, or the like. [2 definitions] |
waste |
to use, consume, or spend carelessly or for little or no return; squander. [18 definitions] |
wastebasket |
an open container for holding trash, used inside a home or other building. |
wasted |
used unwisely, inefficiently, or without obtaining the desired result. [3 definitions] |
wasteful |
marked by or given to waste or extravagance. |
wasteland |
land that is barren or unsuitable for vegetation. [2 definitions] |
waste one's breath |
to speak for no reason. |
wastepaper |
discarded paper. |
wastepaper basket |
(chiefly British) a small, open container for holding discarded items; wastebasket. |
waste pipe |
a pipe that carries away drainage, waste water, excess steam, or the like. |
waste-to-energy |
the process of producing heat or electricity from waste. [2 definitions] |
wastewater |
water that has been used for some purpose by humans, such as in industry or for sanitation, and contains any of various types of contaminants. |
wasting |
making gradually weaker, thinner, or less energetic. [2 definitions] |
wastrel |
someone who is wasteful, esp. with money. [2 definitions] |
watch |
to use one's eyes to observe (something) with uninterrupted attention. [10 definitions] |
watchable |
combined form of watch. |
watchband |
a band or strap of leather, cloth, or flexible metal links, designed to hold a wristwatch on the wrist. |
watchcase |
the metal or plastic covering of a watch's mechanism. |