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West Indies a large group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean between North and South America, including the Antilles and the Bahamas.
west-northwest a point on the compass halfway between west and northwest. [2 definitions]
West Point the oldest military post in the U.S. and the seat of the U.S. Military Academy, located north of New York City on the western bank of the Hudson River.
west-southwest a point on the compass halfway between west and southwest. [2 definitions]
West Virginia an eastern U.S. state northwest of Virginia. (abbr.: WV)
westward toward the west. [3 definitions]
westwardly toward the west. [2 definitions]
wet soaked, moistened, or covered with water or another liquid. [11 definitions]
wetback (offensive slang) a Mexican worker who enters the United States illegally.
wet bar a small bar or serving counter equipped with running water.
wet behind the ears (informal) naive; inexperienced.
wet blanket a person who lessens the enthusiasm of others or has a discouraging or depressing effect on others.
wet cell a voltaic cell in which the electrolyte is in liquid form.
wet dream an erotic dream leading to orgasm, involving for men the involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep.
wet fly an artificial fishing fly designed to drift below the surface of the water.
wether a castrated ram.
wetland (often pl.) low-lying land saturated with moisture, such as a marsh or swamp.
wet nurse a woman who suckles another's baby.
wet-nurse to suckle (another's baby). [2 definitions]
wet one's whistle (informal) to take a drink, esp. of an alcoholic beverage.
wet suit a tightfitting one-piece rubber suit worn by skin divers for warmth.