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ammonium the ion resulting from the chemical combination of ammonia and a hydrogen ion.
ammonium carbonate a white powder that is used in baking powder, smelling salts, and substances for fire-extinguishing.
ammonium chloride a white crystalline salt used in dry cells, in medicine as an expectorant, and in various industrial applications; sal ammoniac.
ammonium hydroxide a colorless basic solution produced by dissolving ammonia in water, used as a household cleaner and in the production of textiles, plastic, and the like. (See ammonia.)
ammonium sulfate a water-soluble salt, used mainly to purify water and as a fertilizer.
ammono of or containing ammonia.
ammunition the projectiles detonated from any weapon, such as bullets or shells, or the means of exploding such material, such as gunpowder and fuses. [2 definitions]
amnesia partial or complete loss of memory, esp. as a result of shock or injury to the brain.
amnesty a general pardon given by a government, esp. for political offenses. [2 definitions]
amniocentesis a procedure for obtaining a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus of a pregnant female for diagnosis of the fetus.
amnion a thin membranous sac, filled with a watery fluid, that contains the embryo of a mammal, bird, or reptile.
amniotic of, concerning, or having an amnion.
amoeba a one-celled organism that changes its shape as it moves and engulfs food.
amoebic of, belonging to, or like an amoeba. [2 definitions]
amoebic dysentery a severe dysentery, caused by a particular type of amoeba, which painfully infects and inflames the bowels.
amoebocyte a cell that resembles or moves like an amoeba, such as a leukocyte.
amok in a murderous frenzy; violently out of control. [2 definitions]
among in or through the midst of. [5 definitions]
amongst among.
amontillado a pale, medium dry Spanish sherry.
Amor in Roman mythology, the god of love, son of Venus; Cupid; Eros.