amphiprostyle |
having a row of columns at each end but none along the sides, as an ancient Greek temple. |
amphitheater |
an arena or stadium consisting of tiers of seats rising outward from an open central area, used for performances, contests, and the like. [2 definitions] |
amphitheatre |
a spelling of "amphitheater" used in Canada and Britain. See "amphitheater" for more information. |
amphora |
a tall oval ceramic vessel with a narrow neck and two handles, used in ancient Greece and Rome for storage or decoration. |
amphoteric |
in chemistry, able to function as both an acid and a base. |
amphotericin |
a medication used to treat fungal infections, esp. those that are systemic. |
ampicillin |
a synthetic antibiotic related to penicillin, taken orally to fight a variety of bacterial infections. |
ample |
sufficient or more than sufficient in size, capacity, or amount. |
amplexicaul |
encircling or clasping the stem, as some leaves. |
amplification |
the process or result of making larger or greater. [4 definitions] |
amplifier |
a person or thing that enlarges, expands, or amplifies. [2 definitions] |
amplify |
to make larger or greater. [4 definitions] |
amplitude |
the state or quality of being ample; largeness. [3 definitions] |
amplitude modulation |
see "AM." |
amply |
in an ample way; abundantly; fully. |
ampoule |
a small, sealable glass or plastic bulb used for sterile storage of material, esp. for subsequent analysis or hypodermic injection. |
ampulla |
a round bottle with two handles, used by the ancient Romans for wine, oil, or perfume. [2 definitions] |
amputate |
to cut off all or part of (a leg, arm, finger, or toe), esp. surgically. |
amputee |
a person who has lost all or part of a limb or digit as a result of accident or surgery. |
Amsterdam |
a seaport and the nominal capital of the Netherlands. (Cf. The Hague.) |
amt. |
abbreviation of "amount," the sum of two or more quantities; total. |