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amphotericin a medication used to treat fungal infections, esp. those that are systemic.
ampicillin a synthetic antibiotic related to penicillin, taken orally to fight a variety of bacterial infections.
ample sufficient or more than sufficient in size, capacity, or amount.
amplexicaul encircling or clasping the stem, as some leaves.
amplification the process or result of making larger or greater. [4 definitions]
amplifier a person or thing that enlarges, expands, or amplifies. [2 definitions]
amplify to make larger or greater. [4 definitions]
amplitude the state or quality of being ample; largeness. [3 definitions]
amplitude modulation see "AM."
amply in an ample way; abundantly; fully.
ampoule a small, sealable glass or plastic bulb used for sterile storage of material, esp. for subsequent analysis or hypodermic injection.
ampulla a round bottle with two handles, used by the ancient Romans for wine, oil, or perfume. [2 definitions]
amputate to cut off all or part of (a leg, arm, finger, or toe), esp. surgically.
amputee a person who has lost all or part of a limb or digit as a result of accident or surgery.
Amsterdam a seaport and the nominal capital of the Netherlands. (Cf. The Hague.)
amt. abbreviation of "amount," the sum of two or more quantities; total.
amuck variant of amok.
amulet a charm or talisman worn for good luck or to ward off evil.
amuse to occupy the attention of in a pleasing manner; entertain. [2 definitions]
amusement something that amuses or diverts; entertainment. [3 definitions]
amusement park an outdoor place offering games, rides on merry-go-rounds and roller coasters, and the like, and refreshments.