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antifederalist (often cap.) a member of, or sympathizer with, the party that opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
antifemale combined form of female.
antifeminine combined form of feminine.
antifeminism combined form of feminism.
antifeminist combined form of feminist.
antifilibuster combined form of filibuster.
antiflu combined form of flu.
antifoaming combined form of foaming.
antifogging combined form of fogging.
antiforeclosure combined form of foreclosure.
antiforeign combined form of foreign.
antiforeigner combined form of foreigner.
antiformalist combined form of formalist.
antifraud combined form of fraud.
antifreeze a substance that lowers the freezing point of a liquid such as water, esp. in an automobile radiator.
anti-French combined form of French.
antifriction combined form of friction.
antifur combined form of fur.
antigambling combined form of gambling.
antigay combined form of gay.
antigen any of various substances that, when introduced into a living body, causes the production of antibodies.