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antireflective combined form of reflective.
antireform combined form of reform.
antiregulatory combined form of regulatory.
antireligion combined form of religion.
antireligious combined form of religious.
antirevolutionary combined form of revolutionary.
antiriot combined form of riot.
antiritualism combined form of ritualism.
antiromantic combined form of romantic.
antiromanticism combined form of romanticism.
antiroyalist combined form of royalist.
anti-Russian combined form of Russian.
antirust combined form of rust.
antisatellite combined form of satellite.
antischizophrenic combined form of schizophrenic.
antiscience combined form of science.
antiscientific combined form of scientific.
antiscorbutic effective in preventing or curing scurvy. [2 definitions]
antisecrecy combined form of secrecy.
antisegregation combined form of segregation.
antiseizure combined form of seizure.