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antishoplifting combined form of shoplifting.
antiskid combined form of skid.
antislavery against, contrary to, or opposed to slavery.
antisleep combined form of sleep.
antismog combined form of smog.
antismoking combined form of smoking.
antismuggling combined form of smuggling.
antismut combined form of smut.
antisocial opposed or harmful to the values, institutions, or laws of an organized society. [3 definitions]
antisocialist combined form of socialist.
anti-Soviet combined form of Soviet.
antispasmodic preventing or stopping spasms. [2 definitions]
antispeculative combined form of speculative.
antispending combined form of spending.
anti-Stalinist combined form of Stalinist.
antistate combined form of state.
antistatic minimizing buildup of static electricity by retaining moisture.
antistress combined form of stress.
antistrike combined form of strike.
antistrophe in ancient Greek poetry or theater, the return movement made by the chorus in response to the previous strophe. (Cf. strophe.) [2 definitions]
antistudent combined form of student.