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antitotalitarian combined form of totalitarian.
antitoxin an antibody formed in the body to counteract a specific biological poison. [2 definitions]
antitrades westerly winds moving above and opposite to the trade winds in the tropics.
antitraditional combined form of traditional.
antitrust in opposition to unrestrained monopolistic business practices.
antitubercular combined form of tubercular.
antituberculosis combined form of tuberculosis.
antitumor combined form of tumor.
antitumoral combined form of tumoral.
antityphoid combined form of typhoid.
antiulcer combined form of ulcer.
antiunemployment combined form of unemployment.
antiunion combined form of union.
antiuniversity combined form of university.
antiurban combined form of urban.
antivenin an antitoxin, esp. against snake venom, that is induced in animals by repeated small injections of the venom.
antiviolence combined form of violence.
antiviral combined form of viral.
antivirus any software program designed to identify, thwart, and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software programs. [2 definitions]
antivivisection opposition to experimentation performed on living animals, as in medical research.
antivivisectionist combined form of vivisectionist.