asterisk |
a sign (*) used to indicate a footnote, an omission, or a break in the text, and for various other purposes. [2 definitions] |
asteriskless |
combined form of asterisk. |
asterism |
in printing, three asterisks arranged in a triangle, used to call attention to a passage of text. [2 definitions] |
astern |
behind a boat or aircraft. [2 definitions] |
asteroid |
any of thousands of celestial bodies with diameters between one and five hundred miles that revolve around the sun in orbits that lie mostly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars; planetoid. |
as the crow flies |
in the straightest route. |
asthenia |
loss or lack of physical strength; weakness; debility. |
asthma |
a chronic respiratory disorder characterized by labored breathing, wheezing, and a feeling of tightness in the chest, often caused by an allergy. |
asthmatic |
suffering from asthma. [3 definitions] |
as though |
as if. |
astigmatic |
pertaining to or having astigmatism. [3 definitions] |
astigmatism |
an irregularity in the curvature of a lens, including that of the eye, that prevents rays of light from meeting in a single focal point, resulting in an indistinct or distorted image. [2 definitions] |
astilbe |
any plant of the genus Astilbe, having small red, white, or pink flowers. |
astir |
in action; moving. [2 definitions] |
as to |
with regard to; concerning. [2 definitions] |
astonish |
to fill, suddenly, with great surprise or amazement. |
astonishing |
extremely surprising or amazing. |
astonishment |
great surprise or amazement. |
astound |
to overcome with surprise, awe, or wonder; amaze. |
astounding |
causing tremendous surprise or wonder; extremely amazing. |
astraddle |
having one leg on each side; astride. |