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can-do reflecting an eagerness to take on something combined with the belief in one's ability to accomplish it.
candor the quality of openness, honesty, and straightforwardness in expression. [2 definitions]
candy a confection made with sugar or other sweetener, usu. with flavorings such as chocolate or peppermint and fillings such as nuts. [5 definitions]
candy bar a sweet in the form of a bar, often made of chocolate or of chocolate along with other ingredients such as caramel, nougat, nuts, and the like, eaten as a snack.
candy floss (chiefly British) a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone; cotton candy.
candy-striped having diagonal stripes in alternating colors, resembling those on a candy cane or the like.
candy striper a teenage female volunteer at a hospital.
candytuft any of several annual plants that bear tufted flowers of white, red, or purple.
cane a wooden or metal stick, usu. with a handle, used for support in walking; walking stick. [7 definitions]
canebrake an area thickly grown with sugar cane, bamboo, or the like.
cane sugar sugar made from the sugar cane.
canid any member of an animal family (Canidae) that includes wolves, coyotes, dogs, foxes, and the like.
canine of, related to, or similar to dogs, foxes, and wolves. [4 definitions]
caning the practice of using a thin, somewhat flexible stick to strike a person as a form of punishment.
Canis Major a winter constellation in the northern sky, located below Monoceros and containing the brightest of all stars, Sirius; Big Dog.
Canis Minor a winter constellation in the northern sky, located between Monoceros and Gemini and containing the bright star Procyon; Little Dog.
canister a small, usu. metal container for dry substances such as flour or coffee. [2 definitions]
canker an ulcerous sore, esp. inside the mouth. [7 definitions]
cankerworm any of several moth larvae that feed on fruit and foliage often destroying fruit and shade trees.
canna any of various broad-leaved tropical plants with large colorful flowers.
cannabis the dried flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant, or the plant itself; marijuana; hashish.