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cellophane noodle an extremely thin, transparent Oriental noodle.
cell phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cell phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cellular phone.
cellular of, pertaining to, or resembling cells. [2 definitions]
cellular phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cellular phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cell phone; mobile phone.
cellulite fatty deposits, especially in the area of the hips and thighs, which create a dimpled appearance on the surface of these areas.
cellulitis a bacterial infection of the inner layers of skin.
celluloid a flammable, brittle material used esp. for motion picture film. [2 definitions]
cellulose an inert carbohydrate that is the main element of plant tissue, used in manufacturing paper, cellophane, textiles, and the like.
cellulose acetate a resin produced from cellulose, used to make products such as lacquers, photographic film, artificial silks, cigarette filters, and explosives.
cell wall the rigid outermost layer of a plant cell, which is made of cellulose.
Celsius of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which zero degrees is the freezing point and one hundred degrees is the boiling point of water; centigrade. (abbr.: C)
Celt a member of any of the Indo-European peoples whose language is Celtic, such as the Irish, Scottish Highlanders, Welsh, or Bretons, or a descendant thereof.
Celtic a group of Indo-European languages that includes Irish and Scots Gaelic and Manx in one branch and the Brythonic languages in another. [2 definitions]
cembalo a harpsichord.
cement any of various powdered mixtures of clay and limestone that harden into a solid with the addition of water, used as a construction material. [6 definitions]
cementum a bonelike tissue covering the root of a tooth.
cemetery a burial ground, esp. one that is not connected to a church; graveyard.
-cene recent (used in words designating geological periods).
ceno- new.
cenobite a member of a religious order who lives in a convent, monastery, or other spiritual community.
cenotaph a monument in memory of a dead person who is buried at a different location.