crash cymbal |
a cymbal that hangs freely from a stand, such that it is allowed to reverberate after being struck. |
crash dive |
a sudden and rapid emergency dive made by a submarine, esp. to avoid attack. |
crash-dive |
to rapidly dive, or cause a submarine to dive, at a steep angle. |
crash helmet |
a protective, padded headgear worn by motorcyclists, race-car drivers, and the like. |
crashing |
utter; complete; total. |
crash-land |
to land (an airplane) in an emergency, usu. causing damage to the plane. [2 definitions] |
crass |
lacking in sensitivity or refinement; crude. |
-crat |
member of (such) a ruling class. [2 definitions] |
crate |
a container for packing and shipping, usu. made of rough wood slats. [3 definitions] |
crater |
a bowl-shaped depression with a raised rim, such as the mouth of a volcano or geyser, or the circular depressions on the surface of the moon, usu. with a mountain at their center. [3 definitions] |
cravat |
a necktie. [2 definitions] |
crave |
to desire intensely or need urgently. [3 definitions] |
craven |
shamefully timid or afraid; cowardly. [2 definitions] |
craving |
an intense desire or longing. |
craw |
the pouch in the gullet of a bird or insect in which food is held and may be partially digested; crop. [2 definitions] |
crawdad |
any of several small freshwater crustaceans related to and resembling the lobster; crawdaddy; crayfish; crawfish. |
crawdaddy |
any of several small, freshwater crustaceans related to and resembling the lobster; crawdad; crayfish; crawfish. |
crawfish |
variant of crayfish. [2 definitions] |
crawl |
to move slowly with the body close to, or dragged along on, the ground; creep. [7 definitions] |
crawlspace |
a low or shallow area, as beneath the roof or floor of a building, usu. containing wiring and plumbing. |
crawly |
see "creepy." |