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Day of Atonement see "Yom Kippur."
day room a room for recreation, reading, or writing, as in a military barracks, nursing home, or other institution.
days during the daytime regularly.
day school a private school for pupils who live at home and attend classes only during the day. (Cf. boarding school.) [2 definitions]
daytime the time between dawn and evening.
day-to-day occurring daily; routine. [2 definitions]
day-tripper one who makes a day-long trip but does not stay overnight.
daywork work that is completed and paid for on a daily basis, such as the work of a housecleaner.
daze to stun, as by a blow or shock. [3 definitions]
dazed stunned with shock or disbelief. [2 definitions]
dazzle to dim or confuse the vision of, by blinding light. [6 definitions]
dazzling having great billiance; extremely shiny or sparkly. [3 definitions]
dB abbreviation of "decibel," or "decibels," a unit indicating the level of loudness of sound, relative to a standard level, or indicating relative differences in power levels of electrical signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.
dbl. abbreviation of "double."
D.C.2 abbreviation of "District of Columbia," a federal area on the Maryland side of the Potomac River that encompasses only the U.S. capital city of Washington (often used informally to refer to the city.)
DC abbreviation of "direct current," an electric current that flows in one direction. (Cf. "AC.")
D.C.1 abbreviation of "da capo," from the beginning (used in music as a direction to repeat a passage).
D.D. abbreviation of "Doctor of Divinity."
D-day the day, kept secret, on which a military attack or other important action is scheduled to take place. [2 definitions]
DDR abbreviation of "Deutsche Demokratische Republik;" German Democratic Republic; formerly, East Germany.
D.D.S. abbreviation of "Doctor of Dental Surgery."