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dimensionless combined form of dimension.
dime store a store that sells mostly inexpensive products; five-and-ten.
diminish to decrease or abate; dwindle. [3 definitions]
diminishable combined form of diminish.
diminished of a musical interval or chord, lower by a semitone or half step.
diminishing becoming smaller; lessening or decreasing.
diminishing returns a proposition in economics that when the amount of one factor of production, such as labor, is increased past a certain point while the amounts of other factors, such as land or capital, are held constant, additional output will increase only at a progressively lower and lower rate.
diminuendo gradually decreasing in loudness or force; decrescendo (used as a musical direction). [3 definitions]
diminution the act, process, or result of diminishing; decrease.
diminutive very small; tiny. [4 definitions]
dimity a sheer fabric, usu. of cotton, woven with a fine stripe or check of heavier thread.
dimly to a limited degree of brightness or clarity.
dimmer a device for varying the brightness of an electric light; rheostat. [2 definitions]
dimorphism the existence of two forms of a species that differ in morphology as, for example, in sexual dimorphism of birds. [3 definitions]
dim-out the dimming or restricted use of light at night, as in a city or on a ship in order to be less visible to enemy aircraft.
dimple a small natural hollow in the skin, esp. one that forms in the cheeks during a smile. [4 definitions]
dim sum any of various Chinese dishes served in appetizer portions, esp. small dumplings filled with minced vegetables, meat, or seafood and steamed or fried, or a variety of such dishes served together.
dimwitted (informal) stupid or slow-thinking.
din noise, esp. loud, confused, or dissonant noise. [4 definitions]
dinar the chief monetary unit of Algeria, equaling one hundred centimes. [8 definitions]
dine to eat a meal, especially the evening meal or an elegant one as part of a social occasion. [3 definitions]