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doorpost either of the upright posts in a doorframe; doorjamb.
door prize a prize awarded to someone attending a public or social event, based on a lottery drawn from admission tickets or the like.
doorsill the sill of a doorway or entry; threshold.
doorstep a step or series of steps leading up to an outside door.
doorstop any of various devices, such as a weighted object, a wedge, or a rubber-tipped projection, used to control the position or movement of a door, as to prop it open at a certain width or prevent it from hitting an adjacent wall.
door-to-door conducted or visiting at each home in a given area, such as a political district or sales territory. [2 definitions]
doorway the way of entrance into a room or building.
dooryard a yard at the door of a house.
do over to do (something) again. [2 definitions]
doo-wop a singing style most popular in the 1950s, characterized by a lead singer performing with a chorus singing nonsense syllables, either with or without instrumental accompaniment.
dopa an amino acid that is converted to dopamine by an enzyme in the bloodstream, an isomer of which, L-dopa, is used to treat Parkinson's disease.
dopamine an intermediate product in the body's synthesis of many substances, such as melanin, and a neurotransmitter essential to normal nerve functioning.
dopaminergic releasing, activated by, or involving dopamine.
dopant a substance, such as phosphorus, that is added in small amounts to laser crystals and semiconductors to change their properties.
dope any of various thick liquids or pastes used in construction or manufacturing to lubricate parts, absorb liquid, or the like. [7 definitions]
doped-up heavily under the influence of drugs.
dopesheet a bulletin containing information on the horses and riders in one day's races at a track; racing form. [2 definitions]
dopester (informal) one who makes analyses and predictions, as of the outcome of an athletic or political contest.
dopey (informal) sleepy, sluggish, or dazed from or as if from the use of alcohol or drugs. [2 definitions]
doppelgänger the supposed ghostly twin of a living person, esp. one that haunts a real person.
Doppler effect the apparent shift in frequency of waves, as of sound or light, if the source and receptor are in motion relative to each other. The frequency appears to become greater if they move closer and become less if they move apart.