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dwell to live or stay as a resident; reside. [3 definitions]
dwelling a shelter used for long-term residence; abode; house.
dwelt a past tense and past participle of dwell.
DWI abbreviation of "driving while intoxicated."
dwindle to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; diminish; shrink.
Dy symbol of the chemical element dysprosium.
Dyak variant of Dayak.
dybbuk in Jewish folklore, the soul of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and controls his or her actions.
dye a liquid used to impart color, as to fabrics, or the substance, usu. a powder, from which the liquid is made. [5 definitions]
dyeable combined form of dye.
dyed-in-the-wool complete; utter. [2 definitions]
dyed in the wool confirmed or firmly established.
dyeing the process or art of using dye to color fabric.
dyer's woad a yellow-flowered biennial plant whose leaves yield a blue dye.
dyestuff a substance that can be used as or made into a dye.
dying nearing death; losing life. [4 definitions]
dyke1 variant of dike.
dyke2 (offensive slang) a female homosexual; lesbian.
dyna- power.
dynamic characterized by constant activity, forward movement, or change, often with positive results. [5 definitions]
dynamics (used with a sing. verb) a branch of physics that studies how motion and the action of forces affecting motion interrelate. [3 definitions]