extrapolate |
to make an estimate or inference of (future probability or the like) on the basis of what is already known or has already occurred. [3 definitions] |
extrasensory |
outside of what can be perceived or experienced by the senses. |
extraterrestrial |
outside of, or from beyond, the Earth. [2 definitions] |
extraterritorial |
outside of or beyond territorial boundaries or jurisdiction. |
extraterritoriality |
political or legal exemption of foreigners from local jurisdiction, such as is granted to diplomats. |
extravagance |
the act or an instance of spending excessively or imprudently. [3 definitions] |
extravagant |
spending excessively or imprudently, or characterized by such spending. [3 definitions] |
extravaganza |
an elaborate, usu. musical, show. [3 definitions] |
extravasate |
to force (blood or lymph) to flow from the usual vessels into surrounding tissues. [4 definitions] |
extravehicular |
pertaining to the activity of an astronaut outside of a spacecraft. |
extraversion |
see "extroversion." |
extreme |
at the most distant point or outer limit of. [7 definitions] |
extremely |
to a very great or high degree; to an extreme degree. |
extreme sport |
one of a set of somewhat risky sports, such as downhill mountain biking, snowboarding, ice climbing, and bungee jumping, that tend to feature speed, height, dangerous depths, or exciting stunts, most often pursued by young adults. |
extreme unction |
the sacrament administered by a Roman Catholic priest to a dying person; last rites. |
extremism |
a tendency to go beyond moderation to extreme positions, esp. on political issues. |
extremist |
a person who takes a radical stand and encourages radical action or thinking, esp. in politics. [3 definitions] |
extremity |
the farthest reach or point of a thing. [4 definitions] |
extricate |
to free or release from difficulty, entanglement, or involvement; disengage. |
extrinsic |
not inherent or essential; extraneous. (Cf. intrinsic.) [2 definitions] |
extrinsic factor |
a vitamin found in foods such as milk, eggs, and fish, used in the treatment of anemia; vitamin B12. |