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gemmate having, or reproducing by, gemmae. [2 definitions]
gemmule in biology, a bud or small gemma capable of developing into a new individual.
gemology the science of gems.
gemsbok a large antelope of southern Africa that has long straight horns and a tufted tail.
gemstone a precious stone fine enough to cut and polish for jewelry.
gemütlich (German) agreeable; cordial; congenial.
gemütlichkeit (German) friendliness; cordiality; agreeableness.
-gen producer, or production. [2 definitions]
Gen. abbreviation of "General," an officer of high military rank in the U.S. and other armed forces.
gendarme a police officer, esp. in France. [2 definitions]
gendarmerie gendarmes collectively, or a body thereof.
gender the sex of a person or animal. [3 definitions]
gender gap a difference between the attitudes or values of men and women as evidenced in voting patterns, public opinion polls, and the like.
genderless combined form of gender.
gender-specific linked to or determined by sex.
gene a section of a chromosome that determines the structure of a single protein or part of one, thereby influencing a particular hereditary characteristic, such as eye color, or a particular biochemical reaction.
genealogy a chart or record showing the ancestors and lines of hereditary descent of a person or group; family tree. [2 definitions]
gene pool the total of all the hereditary characteristics on which a single species draws.
genera a plural form of genus.
general relating to or characteristic of all or most of some thing or group; not referring to, connected with, or limited to any one particular thing. [5 definitions]
general admission a class of admission fee, usu. for open seating or seats not in the reserved sections, as in a theater.