H |
symbol of the chemical element hydrogen. |
h |
the eighth letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions] |
Ha |
symbol of the chemical element hahnium. |
ha |
used as an exclamation of triumph, surprise, discovery, perplexity, or annoyance. |
Habakkuk |
a minor Hebrew prophet of the seventh century B.C. [2 definitions] |
habeas corpus |
in law, a writ calling for a detained person to be brought before a court, designed to insure against unlawful detention or imprisonment. |
haberdasher |
in the United States, a retailer of menswear. |
haberdashery |
a shop that sells men's clothing and furnishings. [2 definitions] |
habergeon |
a short, high-necked, and usu. sleeveless coat of mail. [2 definitions] |
habibi |
(Arabic) darling; beloved. |
habiliment |
(pl.) the equipment or furnishings characteristic of a particular setting or pursuit. [2 definitions] |
habilitate |
to clothe; outfit. [2 definitions] |
habit |
an act performed regularly; routine. [5 definitions] |
habitable |
capable of being lived in. |
habitant1 |
inhabitant; resident. |
habitant2 |
a farmer of French descent living in Canada or Louisiana. |
habitat |
the natural environment of a plant or animal. [2 definitions] |
Habitat for Humanity |
a non-profit worldwide housing organization founded in 1976 that recruits volunteers to build houses purchased through interest-free loans by the needy. |
habitation |
the act or process of inhabiting. [2 definitions] |
habit-forming |
tending to become habitual or addictive, as a drug. |
habitual |
in accordance with habit; customary. [3 definitions] |