in extremis |
(Latin) in extremity; under extreme circumstances or at the point of death. |
inextricable |
that one cannot free oneself from. [3 definitions] |
in fact |
in reality; really; truly; indeed. |
infallible |
incapable of error. [3 definitions] |
infamous |
having, deserving, or causing a bad reputation; notorious or shameful. [2 definitions] |
infamy |
evil or shameful reputation. [3 definitions] |
infancy |
the first months of a child's life; very early childhood. [2 definitions] |
infant |
a child in the first months of life, esp. before he or she can walk. [3 definitions] |
infanta |
the daughter of a Spanish or Portuguese king, or the wife of his son who is not heir to the throne. |
infante |
a son of a Spanish or Portuguese king who is not heir to the throne. |
infanticide |
the murder of an infant. [2 definitions] |
infantile |
like or suitable to an infant, esp. in behavior; babyish or childish. [2 definitions] |
infantile paralysis |
poliomyelitis. |
infantilism |
an abnormal condition of an adult marked by the persistence of immature mental and physical development and behavior, including lack of sexual maturation. [2 definitions] |
infantry |
foot soldiers, or the branch of the military to which they belong. |
infantryman |
a soldier in the infantry; foot soldier. |
infarct |
a localized area of tissue that is dead or dying from obstruction of its blood supply. |
infatuate |
to cause a foolish and irrational passion or attachment in (someone). [2 definitions] |
infatuated |
having a strong and somewhat irrational attraction to or passion for someone or something. |
infatuation |
the condition or feeling of being infatuated. [2 definitions] |
in favor of |
in support of. [2 definitions] |