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intermolecularly combined form of molecularly.
intermountain combined form of mountain.
intermural occurring between two or more schools or other institutions, as a sports competition.
intern1 to confine in a prison or camp, esp. during wartime. [2 definitions]
intern2 an advanced student or recent graduate in a specialized field, esp. medicine, who is serving an apprenticeship in the appropriate practical setting, such as a hospital. [2 definitions]
internal located on the inside; inner. [4 definitions]
internal bleeding bleeding on the inside of the body, often caused by injuries.
internal-combustion engine an engine, esp. an automobile engine, that is powered by the heat and pressure produced by the burning of a mixture of fuel and air in a cylinder or cylinders.
internalize to make internal, esp. to hold in or to incorporate into one's personality, attitude, or system of beliefs.
internal medicine a specialized medical practice that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of disease, esp. of internal organs and tissues.
internal revenue government revenue that is derived from domestic sources, such as taxes on income, profits, luxuries, and amusements.
Internal Revenue Service the U.S. government agency responsible for administering and enforcing federal tax laws and collecting federal taxes. (abbr.: IRS)
international of or having to do with two or more nations, or to the affairs of or relations between two or more nations. [2 definitions]
International Date Line (sometimes l.c.) an imaginary north-south line drawn in the Pacific Ocean, roughly at the 18th meridian, on the east side of which, by international agreement, the calendar date is one day earlier than it is on the west side; date line.
internationalism the principle or policy of international cooperation, esp. economic and governmental.
internationalist one who advocates internationalism. [2 definitions]
internationalize to make international. [2 definitions]
International Monetary Fund an agency of the United Nations that promotes the stabilization of the world's currencies and maintains a monetary pool from which member nations can draw.
International Phonetic Alphabet a standardized set of phonetic symbols, originated by the International Phonetic Association, that is used to transcribe the speech sounds of all languages.
interne variant of intern2.
internecine destructive to all involved; mutually fatal or ruinous. [2 definitions]