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ironing board a long, narrow, padded board, usu. with one tapered end and a collapsible stand, on which laundry is ironed.
iron lung a large metal chamber in which the body can be enclosed up to the neck, that maintains artificial respiration by means of alternating pulses of high and low pressure, used esp. for polio victims.
iron maiden a medieval instrument of torture consisting of a coffinlike case in which a victim was impaled on spikes.
ironmonger (chiefly British) a merchant who sells household tools, equipment, and other hardware.
ironmonger's (chiefly British) a shop where household tools, equipment, and other hardware items are sold; hardware store.
iron out to clear up or smooth out (difficulties, conflicts, or the like).
iron pyrites pyrite; fool's gold.
irons in the fire projects or undertakings.
ironstone any of several iron ores containing impurities of silica and clay. [2 definitions]
ironware pots, utensils, and other small articles made of iron.
ironweed any of a group of plants with a hard stem and clusters of small, purplish flowers.
ironwood any of various trees, such as the hornbeam, that have very hard, heavy wood. [2 definitions]
ironwork articles or constructions decorated with or made wholly or partly of iron, as stair railings or garden furniture.
ironworks (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a foundry in which iron is smelted, cast, and wrought into heavy iron goods.
irony a manner of using language so that it conveys a different or opposite meaning to that which is literally expressed in the words themselves. Irony is used in ordinary conversation and also as a literary technique, especially to express criticism or to produce humor or pathos. [3 definitions]
Iroquoian a family of languages spoken by the Iroquois tribes. [3 definitions]
Iroquois a member of an American Indian confederacy of New York State that includes the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora tribes. [3 definitions]
irradiate to expose to radiation, esp. as a medical treatment. [3 definitions]
irradiation emission of electromagnetic radiation, or the state of being exposed to such radiation. [2 definitions]
irrational lacking in reason, sense, or judgment. [3 definitions]
irreclaimable impossible to reclaim, redeem, or reform.