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Islamize to convert to, or come to bring into conformity with, Islam.
island a body of land smaller than a continent and completely surrounded by water. [3 definitions]
islander one born or living on an island.
island of Langerhans see "islet of Langerhans."
isle an island, esp. a small one.
islet a tiny island.
islet of Langerhans an irregular mass of endocrine cells in the pancreas that secretes insulin.
-ism practice; activity; process. [5 definitions]
ism a distinctive theory or set of beliefs or practices.
Ismaros a mountain in Thrace where, according to Greek mythology, Odysseus and his men managed to flee from Polyphemus.
isn't contracted form of "is not."
iso- equal; alike.
isoagglutination the clumping of red blood cells of a person or animal when transfused with the blood serum of another member of the same species.
isobar a line on a weather map drawn between places that have the same barometric pressure during a given time or period. [2 definitions]
isochronal equal in time or duration. [2 definitions]
isocline geological strata so compressed or tightly folded that they dip equally in the same direction.
isodynamic pertaining to or having equal force or strength. [2 definitions]
isogamete either of a pair of uniting gametes that are similar in their size, structure, activity, and the like. (Cf. heterogamete.)
isogenous of the same or similar origin; corresponding genetically, as the parts derived from the same tissues of an embryo.
isogonic of, pertaining to, or having equal angles; equiangular. [3 definitions]
isolate to set apart from other things or people. [3 definitions]