K2 |
abbreviation of "Kelvin." |
K3 |
symbol of the chemical element potassium. |
K1 |
abbreviation of "one thousand" (esp. used to refer to dollars). |
k |
the eleventh letter of the English alphabet. |
K2 |
the second-highest mountain in the world, located in Kashmir; Godwin Austen. |
Kaaba |
a building in the courtyard of the Great Mosque in Mecca, to which Muslims make a yearly pilgrimage. |
kabala |
see "cabala." |
kabob |
(usu. pl.) small pieces of meat, sometimes interspersed with vegetables, cooked by roasting on a skewer; shish kebab. |
kabuki |
a form of Japanese popular drama using male actors for both male and female roles, and with highly stylized acting, music, and dancing. |
Kabul |
the capital of Afghanistan. |
kachina |
among the Hopi Indians, any of various minor deities or ancestral spirits, or a doll, dancer, or dancer's mask representing such a spirit. |
Kaddish |
an ancient Jewish prayer recited during the daily service. [2 definitions] |
kadi |
variant of cadi. |
kaffee klatsch |
see "coffee klatsch." |
kaffir |
(derogatory) in South Africa, a black person. |
kaffiyeh |
a cloth headdress that is draped over the head and held with a cord wound around the head, worn by Arabs for protection from dust and heat. |
kaftan |
variant of caftan. |
Kailash |
a large mountain in the Himalayas that is considered sacred in a number of religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. In Hinduism, Kailash is believed to be the home of Shiva. |
kaiser |
an emperor of Germany from 1871 to 1918. |
kaiser roll |
a large baked roll with a hard crust, used for sandwiches. |
Kalahari |
a desert of southern Africa occupying a large area of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa (prec. by "the"). |