Kalahari |
a desert of southern Africa occupying a large area of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa (prec. by "the"). |
Kalahari Desert |
an arid and sandy region of southern Africa occupying a large area of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa. |
kale |
a variety of the cabbage plant having loose wrinkled and curled leaves, or the leaves of this plant used as a vegetable. |
kaleidoscope |
a rotating tube in which changing symmetrical forms are created by the reflection, in mirrors set at angles to each other, of small bits of colored class moving in a chamber at one end of the tube. [2 definitions] |
kalends |
variant of calends. |
Kali |
a Hindu goddess of life and death. |
Kalmuck |
a member of a Buddhist Mongol tribe of northwestern China and the lower Volga River region. [2 definitions] |
kalsomine |
see "calcimine." |
Kamasutra |
an ancient Hindu manual of sexual love. |
kami |
in the Shinto religion of Japan, a divine being or force. |
kamikaze |
in the Japanese armed forces during World War II, a pilot whose mission was to crash his airplane against the target as a suicide bomb. |
Kampala |
the capital of Uganda. |
kampong |
a small Malay village or community. |
Kampuchea |
the official name of Cambodia during a period of Vietnamese rule in the 197s and 1980s. |
kana |
either of two Japanese syllabic scripts, katakana and hiragana, consisting of seventy-one characters each. (Cf. kanji.) [2 definitions] |
Kanchenjunga |
the world's third highest mountain, located in the Himalayas on the border between India and Nepal. |
kangaroo |
any of a group of large plant-eating marsupials of Australia and Tanzania, having powerful hind legs for jumping and a long, heavy tail used for balance. |
kangaroo court |
an unauthorized court, such as one set up by prison inmates or strikers, that often disregards or parodies normal legal procedures. |
kangaroo rat |
any of various long-tailed and long-legged jumping rodents of desert regions in Mexico and the western United States, or a similar one of Australia. |
kanji |
the part of the Japanese writing system that uses characters derived from Chinese ideographs. (Cf. kana.) [2 definitions] |
Kansas |
a Midwestern U.S. state between Missouri and Colorado. (abbr.: KS) |