kiln-dry |
to dry (pottery or the like) in a kiln. |
kilo |
see "kilogram." |
kilo- |
one thousand. |
kilobar |
a unit of pressure equal to one thousand bars or 14,500 pounds per square inch. |
kilobyte |
a unit of electronic storage capacity equal to 1,024 bytes, or approximately one thousand bytes. (abbr.: k) |
kilocalorie |
see "calorie." |
kilocycle |
see "kilohertz." |
kiloelectron volt |
see "keV." |
kilogram |
a unit of weight equal to one thousand grams or 2.205 pounds. (abbr.: kg) |
kilohertz |
a unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second or one thousand hertz; kilocycle. (abbr.: kHz) |
kiloliter |
a unit of capacity equal to one thousand liters or 264.2 gallons, or to one cubic meter or 1.308 cubic yards. |
kilometer |
a unit of length equal to one thousand meters or 0.621 mile. (abbr.: km) |
kilometre |
a spelling of "kilometer" used in Canada and Britain. See "kilometer." |
kiloton |
a unit of power used in measuring the force of nuclear weapons, equal to the explosive force of one thousand tons of TNT. |
kilovolt |
a unit of electromotive force equal to one thousand volts. (abbr.: kv, KV) |
kilowatt |
a unit of electrical power equal to one thousand watts. (abbr.: kw, kW) |
kilowatt-hour |
a unit of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt operating for one hour. (abbr.: kwh, kWh) |
kilt |
a knee-length, pleated, plaid wool skirt traditionally worn by Scottish men. |
kilter |
good shape or condition. |
kimberlite |
a type of igneous rock that sometimes contains diamonds, named after the town of Kimberley, South Africa. |
kimchi |
a dish made of spicy, pickled cabbage that is an important part of Korean cuisine. |