l.1 |
abbreviation of "length," extent of linear distance. |
l.2 |
abbreviation of "left." |
La |
symbol of the chemical element lanthanum. |
LA |
abbreviation of "Louisiana," a southern U.S. state between Mississippi and Texas. |
L.A. |
abbreviation of "Los Angeles," a seaport in southern California. |
la |
in music, the syllable used to denote the sixth tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [2 definitions] |
lab1 |
shortened form of "laboratory." |
lab2 |
shortened form of "Labrador retriever." |
label |
a slip of paper or cloth tag that bears information as to the contents, destination, owner, or use of something to which it is attached. [7 definitions] |
labelable |
combined form of label. |
labia |
pl. of labium. |
labial |
of, pertaining to, or near the lips or labia. [3 definitions] |
labiate |
having lips or parts that resemble or function like lips; lipped. [4 definitions] |
labile |
subject to or ready for change; adaptable. [2 definitions] |
labio- |
lip. |
labiodental |
articulated with the upper lip and lower front teeth touching, as the sounds in English of "f" and "v". [2 definitions] |
labionasal |
of a speech sound, articulated with the lips and resonated in the nasal cavity, as the sound "m". [2 definitions] |
labiovelar |
of a speech sound, produced with rounded lips and the back of the tongue near or touching the soft palate, as "w" in English. [2 definitions] |
labium |
a lip or liplike structure in a living organism, such as the folds of skin around the vulva or one of the divisions in the corollas of certain plants. |
labor |
the expenditure of physical and mental effort in the performance of work. [9 definitions] |
laboratory |
a place designed for scientific investigation and experimentation. [4 definitions] |