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make up to constitute or compose. [7 definitions]
make up one's mind to decide, esp. after considering different possibilities carefully or at length.
make use of to employ or cause to be employed; find a purpose or activity for.
make waves to do something, such as voicing a complaint or introducing some new element, that causes a disturbance or represents a challenge to the way things are done.
make-work work given to those who would otherwise be idle, which has no real use or value in itself.
makimono a Japanese art scroll with pictures or calligraphy. [2 definitions]
making the act or process of creating or constructing. [3 definitions]
makuta pl. of likuta.
mal- bad; wrong; abnormal.
Malabo the capital of Equatorial Guinea.
malabsorption deficient absorption of nutrients by the intestinal tract.
Malachi according to the Old Testament, a minor Hebrew prophet of the fifth century B.C. [2 definitions]
malachite a copper ore, usu. bright bluish green, used mostly for jewelry and ornamental work.
malacology the branch of zoology concerned with mollusks.
maladaptive not helpful in adaptation to a situation or environment.
maladjusted poorly adjusted, esp. to one's environment.
maladjustment faulty or unsatisfactory adjustment. [2 definitions]
maladminister to handle or manage poorly, inefficiently, or corruptly.
maladroit not skillful; clumsy; tactless.
malady an illness of the body or mind. [2 definitions]
Malaga a sweet dessert wine made in Spain. [2 definitions]