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monetize to make legal for use as money; establish as legal tender. [2 definitions]
money coins or paper notes issued by the government and marked with specific values; legal currency. [4 definitions]
moneybags (informal; used with a sing. verb) a rich person.
moneychanger a person whose business is exchanging currency, usu. at an official rate. [2 definitions]
money-changing the business or act of exchanging money, usu. the currencies of different countries, at an official rate.
moneyed possessing much money; wealthy; rich. [2 definitions]
money-grubber (informal) one who actively desires and pursues the accumulation of as much money as possible.
moneylender one whose business is lending money at interest.
moneymaker a person engaged in or successful at acquiring money. [2 definitions]
moneymaking earning or likely to earn a profit. [2 definitions]
money market the trade in money or funds as they are borrowed or lent short-term by large agencies or the government.
money-market fund a mutual fund whose investments are of a short-term nature and consist of commercial paper or treasury bills, usu. giving a fairly high interest rate.
money of account a monetary denomination or unit used in keeping accounts, esp. one that does not correspond to actual paper money or coin, such as the U.S. mill.
money order an order for the payment of a specific sum of money that is issued for a fee atone bank, post office, or telegraph office, and is payable to another.
monger one who busily promotes an activity, esp. one seen as harmful or despicable (usu. used in combination).
mongo the smaller monetary unit of Mongolia. (Cf. tugrik.)
Mongol a native of Mongolia, or a descendant thereof. [3 definitions]
Mongolia an East Asian country between China and Russia. [2 definitions]
Mongolian of or pertaining to Mongolia or its people, culture, languages, or the like. [4 definitions]
mongolism (outdated; no longer in scientific use; sometimes cap.) the abnormal condition of a person born with an additional chromosome, characterized by a flattened skull, slanted eyes, often decreased mental facility, and partial deafness; Down's syndrome.
Mongoloid (outdated; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of a human racial group originating in eastern Asia and parts of North America, generally characterized by an epicanthic fold in the eyelid, dark eyes, and straight, dark hair. [3 definitions]