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overinform combined form of inform.
overinformed combined form of informed.
overingenious combined form of ingenious.
overingenuity combined form of ingenuity.
overinsistent combined form of insistent.
overintellectualization combined form of intellectualization.
overintellectualize combined form of intellectualize.
overintense combined form of intense.
overintensity combined form of intensity.
overinterpretation combined form of interpretation.
overinvestment combined form of investment.
overjoy to make extremely happy; delight.
overjoyed overflowing with joy; exceedingly happy.
overkill an instance or practice of taking excessive measures to deal with a problem, esp. by the use of excessive firepower. [2 definitions]
overlabor combined form of labor.
overlabored combined form of labored.
overladen combined form of laden.
overland across the land; by land travel. [2 definitions]
overlap to cover or extend over part of. [6 definitions]
overlarge combined form of large.
overlavish combined form of lavish.