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parsimonious excessively frugal; stingy.
parsimony excessive unwillingness to spend money or use resources; stinginess.
parsley any of several garden herbs, usu. having finely divided crinkled leaves, used to season or decorate food.
parsnip a carrotlike plant that bears yellow flowers and has a large, whitish, edible root. [2 definitions]
parson a clergyman, esp. in a Protestant church; minister.
parsonage a house provided by a church for its minister.
Parsons table (sometimes l.c.) a lightweight, square-legged rectangular table, often made of molded plastic.
part a separate portion or segment of a whole. [18 definitions]
part. abbreviation of "participle" or "participial."
partake to take part; participate (usu. fol. by "in"). [4 definitions]
part company to terminate a friendship or association.
parterre the rear part of the main floor of a theater, usu. below the balconies. [2 definitions]
parthenogenesis a process of development of an egg without fertilization, as in some lower animals and plants.
Parthenon the temple of Athena built in the Doric style in the fifth century B.C. on the Acropolis in Athens.
Parthenos a descriptive addition, meaning "virgin," to the names of certain ancient Greek goddesses, esp. Athena.
Parthia an ancient country in southwest Asia originating in what is now northeastern Iran.
Parthian shot an unfriendly or sharp remark or gesture made as one departs; parting shot.
partial not complete. [4 definitions]
partiality the condition of being partial. [3 definitions]
partially partly; not completely.
partial tone in music, any of the pure tones that make up a complex tone; harmonic.