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plumb bob a usu. conical piece of metal attached to a line, used to determine true vertical; plumb or plummet.
plumber a person who fits and repairs plumbing. [2 definitions]
plumber's helper (informal) a large suction cup on a handle, used to clear drains; plumber's friend; plunger.
plumbing the system of water and sewerage pipes and fixtures in a building. [2 definitions]
plumb line a cord from which a weight is suspended to determine true vertical, or depth, as of water. [2 definitions]
plume a feather, esp. a large, colorful, or fluffy one. [6 definitions]
plummet a small weight on a line used for sounding or to verify a vertical; plumb or plumb bob. [2 definitions]
plumose having feathers or plumes; feathered. [2 definitions]
plump1 rounded in appearance; somewhat chubby. [3 definitions]
plump2 to come down quickly and with all one's weight. [8 definitions]
plum pudding a rich boiled or steamed pudding often made with raisins or currants in addition to flour, spices, and suet.
plum tomato a small pear-shaped or elongated tomato, often used for cooking.
plumule a soft down feather, found on young birds and some adults. [2 definitions]
plumy consisting of, bearing, decorated, or covered with plumes. [2 definitions]
plunder to steal (goods), esp. by force. [5 definitions]
plunge to propel abruptly or forcefully into a substance, esp. a soft or liquid one. [8 definitions]
plunger something that moves repeatedly up and down, such as a piston. [3 definitions]
plunk (informal) to cause (a string or strings of a musical instrument) to make brief, hollow sounds; pluck. [7 definitions]
pluperfect see "past perfect."
plural of, pertaining to, or including more than one. [4 definitions]
pluralism in philosophy, the theory that reality comprises more than one basic substance or principle. (Cf. dualism, monism.) [4 definitions]