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rec the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime; recreation.
rec. abbreviation of "recreation," the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime.
recalcitrant stubbornly disobedient; refractory. [3 definitions]
recalculate to calculate again, esp. to check for errors.
recalculation combined form of calculation.
recalibrate combined form of calibrate.
recalibration combined form of calibration.
recall to bring to mind; remember. [6 definitions]
recallable combined form of recall.
recant to withdraw from commitment to (a former position or statement), esp. publicly; retract. [2 definitions]
recap1 to bond new tread onto (an old tire); retread. [2 definitions]
recap2 a brief rephrasing of an earlier report; summary. [2 definitions]
recapitalize to renew or revise the capital structure of (a corporation).
recapitulate to briefly review (the main points) of a spoken or written exchange or communication. [3 definitions]
recapitulation the act of recapitulating or state of being recapitulated. [3 definitions]
recapture to take or capture again; recover. [3 definitions]
recast to melt down (a metal object) and pour into another mold. [5 definitions]
recd. abbreviation of "received."
recede1 to move back to a previous low level or point, as water. [2 definitions]
recede2 to cede again; grant possession of to an original title holder.
receipt the act of receiving, or the condition of having received; receiving; reception. [5 definitions]