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relativism the philosophical theory that all bases of judgment are relative to time, place, or situation.
relativist one who supports or advocates the theory of relativism.
relativistic of or relating to relativism. [2 definitions]
relativity the state or condition of being relative. [2 definitions]
relax to make looser or less rigid. [9 definitions]
relaxant of, pertaining to, or used for relaxation. [2 definitions]
relaxation diversion or recreation designed to refresh the body and mind. [4 definitions]
relaxed free of physical or mental tension. [3 definitions]
relaxing causing one to feel calm, at ease, or restful.
relay two or more people or crews that alternate with or follow each other in carrying out a task or running a race. [5 definitions]
re-lay to lay again or in another way.
relay race a race between two or more teams in which each runner is relieved by a teammate after running part of the distance.
relearn combined form of learn.
release to liberate from confinement or other form of constraint, such as obligation or responsibility. [10 definitions]
re-lease to lease or rent again.
released time a period or periods of time during which a person is free of regular duties, such as teaching or attending class, to have time for other tasks or activities.
relegate to send or consign to a condition, place, or position of lesser importance or esteem. [3 definitions]
relend combined form of lend.
relent to become milder, more sympathetic, or more lenient. [2 definitions]
relentless without mercy or compassion; unyielding or stern. [2 definitions]
relevance the quality of being relevant.