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scarless combined form of scar.
scarlet a bright orangy red color. [4 definitions]
scarlet fever an acute contagious disease esp. affecting children, caused by streptococci and characterized by sore throat, fever, and a reddish rash.
scarlet letter formerly, a red letter "A" worn as a badge of shame by a convicted adulterer, as among U.S. Puritans.
scarlet runner a climbing tropical American vine that bears scarlet flowers and long pods with edible red-and-black seeds.
scarlet tanager a U.S. songbird, the male of which has a bright scarlet body with black wings and tail.
scarp a steep cliff formed by erosion or an abrupt movement of the earth's crust. [3 definitions]
scar tissue a dense fibrous layer of contracted connective tissue formed in the healing of a wound.
scarves a plural form of scarf.
scary causing fear; frightening.
scat1 (informal) to leave immediately (often used in the imperative).
scat2 improvisational jazz singing in which nonsense syllables are used instead of words, often with the effect of an instrument rather than a voice. [2 definitions]
scat3 animal excrement.
scathe to injure with criticism. [2 definitions]
scatheless combined form of scathe.
scathing harshly condemning; brutal. [2 definitions]
scatology extreme interest in excretion, excrement, or obscenity. [3 definitions]
scatter to cause to separate in all directions; disperse. [6 definitions]
scatterbrain someone unable to organize, concentrate on, or remember things; flighty person.
scattering going in many different directions; separating. [4 definitions]
scatter rug a small rug, usu. placed as needed on a bare floor, as in front of a chair or outer door.