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slack off to work in a slow or lazy manner, or to relax instead of working.
slacks trousers for men or women, esp. for casual wear.
slag the fused residue of ore from which the metal has been separated by smelting. [3 definitions]
slain past participle of slay.
slake to satisfy or relieve (thirst, appetite, lust, or the like) by decreasing the strength or intensity of. [3 definitions]
slaked lime a powder produced by combining lime with water and used in mortars, plasters, and cements; calcium hydroxide.
slalom a downhill ski race back and forth around poles or gates marking the course. [2 definitions]
slam1 to shut (a door, lid, or the like) with force and loud noise. [6 definitions]
slam2 the winning of all, or all but one, of the tricks in one hand of a card game such as bridge or whist. [3 definitions]
slam-bang (informal) swiftly and recklessly. [6 definitions]
slam dunk in basketball, a forceful or dramatic dunk shot.
slam-dunk in basketball, to dunk (the ball) forcefully or dramatically.
slammer (slang) a prison.
slander a false statement or statements intended to injure someone's reputation or well-being, or the act of making such statements; defamation. [3 definitions]
slanderous characterized by or consisting of slander. [2 definitions]
slang words or phrases used in very informal speech that are typically more vivid, exaggerated, humorous, metaphorical, and short-lived than the standard vocabulary and usage. [3 definitions]
slangy of, relating to, or being slang. [2 definitions]
slant to incline at an oblique angle; slope. [7 definitions]
slant rhyme rhyme in which the sounds do not correspond exactly, such as "eyes" and "light", or "feet" and "ate"; imperfect rhyme.
slantwise on a slant; obliquely. [2 definitions]
slap a sharp blow, as with an open hand, that makes a cracking sound. [8 definitions]