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star route a postal route between stations, given to a private carrier on contract.
starry abounding with or lighted by stars. [3 definitions]
starry-eyed with the eyes shining or sparkling like stars, as in happiness or wonder. [2 definitions]
Stars and Bars (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the first flag used by the Confederate States of America, introduced in 1861.
Stars and Stripes (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the national flag of the United States, consisting of thirteen alternating red and white horizontal stripes and a blue field with fifty white stars representing the fifty states; Old Glory. [2 definitions]
Star-Spangled Banner the national anthem of the United States, written by Francis Scott Key in 1814, and formally adopted by Congress in 1931 (often in italics and prec. by "The").
start to begin activity or operation. [15 definitions]
starter someone or something that makes something start. [3 definitions]
starting blocks two usu. metal blocks that are firmly but temporarily mounted on a running track so that a runner can brace his or her feet against them when starting a race.
starting gate any of several types of movable gates or barriers used to ensure an equal start, as for horses or dogs in a race.
startle to cause to move suddenly or involuntarily. [4 definitions]
startling causing one to move suddenly or involuntarily because loud, sudden, or unexpected. [2 definitions]
start out to begin an extended trip, project, or other major undertaking. [5 definitions]
start over to start again.
start up to begin operation. [2 definitions]
starvation the act of starving or condition of being starved. [2 definitions]
starve to die or suffer from not eating and drinking. [5 definitions]
starved suffering from extreme deprivation of food. [2 definitions]
starveling an organism suffering from starvation. [3 definitions]
Star Wars a popular science fiction saga based on a series of commercially-successful motion pictures, the first of which was released in 1977. [2 definitions]
stash to hide or store secretly (sometimes fol. by "away"). [2 definitions]