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statutory rape the crime of sexual intercourse committed with a female who is younger than the legal age of consent.
staunch1 variant of stanch1.
staunch2 unwaveringly firm or loyal. [2 definitions]
stave a narrow, usu. curved wooden strip used to make barrels, casks, or the like. [7 definitions]
stave off to keep at a distance; ward off. [2 definitions]
staves a plural form of staff1. [2 definitions]
stay1 to spend time in a place. [12 definitions]
stay2 an object used to support or steady something; brace. [3 definitions]
stay3 a heavy rope or wire used to make a ship's masts steady. [2 definitions]
staying power the ability to endure or last; endurance.
staysail a triangular sail that is set on a stay.
stay up to remain awake.
std. abbreviation of "standard."
Ste. abbreviation of "Sainte," (French) Saint.
stead the customary or designated place of a person or thing as occupied by a stand-in or substitute.
steadfast reliable; loyal. [2 definitions]
steadily in a regular, even, constant way.
steady firmly fixed in position; stable. [11 definitions]
steady state theory the cosmologic theory, no longer in favor, that new matter is continuously created, causing the universe to expand without requiring cycles of explosion and contraction. (Cf. big bang theory.)
steak a large, flat cut of meat or fish, esp. beef, that is usu. cooked by frying, broiling, or grilling. [2 definitions]
steakhouse a restaurant that regularly specializes in beefsteak dinners.