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surface-active designating a substance that is capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid to which it is added.
surface tension the force at the surface of a liquid that tends to cause contraction and thus makes the surface somewhat like a tightly stretched membrane.
surface-to-air of or denoting a missile or the like that is launched from the ground toward a target or destination in the air.
surface-to-surface of or denoting a missile or the like that is launched from the ground and travels through the air to a target or destination on land.
surfactant a substance that reduces the surface tension of a liquid, thereby allowing the liquid to spread more easily.
surfboard a long, narrow board on which a person kneels, stands, or lies while surfing.
surfboarding the sport of riding waves using a surfboard; surfing.
surfboat a boat with high ends that can be launched or landed in heavy breaking waves.
surf casting fishing by standing on the sea shore and casting the line beyond the surf.
surfeit an extra or excessive amount; oversupply; surplus. [4 definitions]
surffish any of various fishes of the shallow Pacific coastal waters of North America.
surfing the sport of riding the crests of waves as they break near the shore, usu. on a surfboard.
surfperch any of various fishes of shallow Pacific coastal waters of North America that bear live young; surffish.
surfy of, like, or making surf. [2 definitions]
surge a strong, forceful forward motion, like that of a wave; rush. [6 definitions]
surgeon a medical doctor who specializes in surgery.
surgeon general the highest officer in the medical department of the U.S. Army, Navy, or Air Force. [2 definitions]
surgery the field of medicine that treats disease, physical complaints, and injury with medical operations. [6 definitions]
surgical of, involving, or used in surgery. [3 definitions]
Suriname a country in northeastern South America on the Atlantic between Guyana and French Guiana.
surly ill-tempered and rude; unfriendly.