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tubenose any of various seabirds with tubular nostrils, such as the petrel, shearwater, or albatross.
tube pan a deep round cake pan with a hollow tube extending up through the center.
tuber a short, fleshy, rounded or oblong underground stem, such as the potato, with buds from which new shoots can grow. [2 definitions]
tubercle a small, rounded lump or outgrowth on a plant or animal, as on the roots of some legumes or as sometimes on the skin or a bone. [2 definitions]
tubercle bacillus the bacterium that causes tuberculosis.
tubercular of, related to, or suffering from tuberculosis. [4 definitions]
tuberculin a sterile liquid containing a substance derived from a culture of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, used to diagnose and treat that disease.
tuberculosis a contagious disease of human beings and some animals, caused by a bacterium and characterized by the formation of tubercles on body tissues, esp. in the lungs; TB.
tuberculous of, having, or affected by tuberculosis.
tuberose1 a cultivated plant that grows from a bulb and has a fragrant spike of lilylike white flowers.
tuberose2 variant of tuberous.
tuberosity a knoblike prominence, esp. such a prominence at the end of a long bone.
tuberous covered with wartlike tubers; knobby. [2 definitions]
tube sock a tube-shaped elasticized sock lacking a shaped heel.
tube top an elasticized, cylindrical women's garment that covers the breasts while leaving the shoulders, and often the midriff, bare.
tubifex any of various small reddish freshwater worms, often used as food for fish in aquariums.
tubing a length of tube. [4 definitions]
tubular shaped or formed like a tube. [3 definitions]
tubule a small tube or tubelike structure.
tubuliflorous having flowers with tubular corollas, as certain composite plants.
tuck to gather up and push in or turn under the loose end or edge of (a shirt, blanket, or the like) so as to secure (often fol. by "in" or "up"). [10 definitions]