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uncoil to straighten out from a coiled position; unwind.
uncollected combined form of collected.
uncollectible combined form of collectible.
uncolored combined form of colored.
uncombative combined form of combative.
uncombed combined form of combed.
uncombined combined form of combined.
uncomely combined form of comely.
uncomfortable feeling discomfort; not comfortable. [2 definitions]
uncomfortably in a way that causes physical discomfort or pain. [2 definitions]
uncomic combined form of comic.
uncommercialized combined form of commercialized.
uncommitted not pledged or bound to a particular position, course of action, person, or the like.
uncommon unusual or rare. [2 definitions]
uncommonly not frequently; rarely. [3 definitions]
uncommunicative not inclined to talk or share information, thoughts, reactions, or the like; taciturn.
uncompassionate combined form of compassionate.
uncompelling combined form of compelling.
uncompensated combined form of compensated.
uncomplacent combined form of complacent.
uncompleted combined form of completed.