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unmuzzle to remove a muzzle from (an animal). [2 definitions]
unmysterious combined form of mysterious.
unnameable combined form of nameable.
unnamed combined form of named.
unnatural contrary to or violating natural laws or processes. [4 definitions]
unnecessary not required or essential; needless.
unneeded combined form of needed.
unnegotiable combined form of negotiable.
unneighborly combined form of neighborly.
unnerve to deprive of composure, courage, determination, or the like; disconcert; discourage.
unneurotic combined form of neurotic.
unnewsworthy combined form of newsworthy.
unnoted not noted; unobserved; unacknowledged.
unnoteworthy combined form of noteworthy.
unnoticeable combined form of noticeable.
unnoticed combined form of noticed.
unnourishing combined form of nourishing.
unnumbered not counted or impossible to count; uncounted or countless. [2 definitions]
unobjectionable combined form of objectionable.
unobservable combined form of observable.
unobservant combined form of observant.