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wash goods fabrics or garments that can be washed without fading or being weakened.
washing the act or activity of using water, and often soap, to clean oneself or something else. [3 definitions]
washing machine a machine, now usu. automatic, that washes laundry.
washing soda a crystalline hydrated form of sodium carbonate, used as a general cleanser.
Washington a northwestern U.S. state on the Pacific between Canada and Oregon; Washington State. (abbr.: WA) [2 definitions]
Washington, D.C. the capital city of the United States of America; Washington.
wash one's dirty linen in public to make public embarrassing or shameful private facts about oneself or others.
wash one's hands of to refuse to take responsibility for.
wash out to use water and soap to clean away dirt or other unwanted substances from. [4 definitions]
washrag a washcloth.
washroom a room with washing and toilet facilities; bathroom; lavatory.
washstand a movable table or cabinet used to hold a pitcher and basin for washing the hands and face. [2 definitions]
washtub a large tub used for soaking, washing, and rinsing clothes.
wash up to wash one's hands or wash one's face and hands. [2 definitions]
washwoman variant of washerwoman.
washy diluted; watery; weak. [3 definitions]
wasn't contracted form of "was not."
Wasp in the United States, a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. [2 definitions]
WASP acronym of "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant."
wasp any of various winged insects that have a slender body with a very narrow waist, and that can deliver a very painful sting.
waspish characteristic of or like a wasp. [2 definitions]