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whooping crane a large North American bird, now rare, that has black and white plumage and a loud, whooping call.
whoop it up (informal) to make loud noises or a disturbance, as in celebration. [2 definitions]
whoops used to express mild surprise, embarrassment, or regret.
whoosh a loud rushing or gushing sound, as made by air or water moving or expanding rapidly. [2 definitions]
whop (informal) to strike or beat hard. [4 definitions]
whopper (informal) something exceptionally large, esp. as compared to others of its kind. [2 definitions]
whopping (informal) very large, remarkable, or the like.
whore one who engages in frequent sexual intercourse for money; prostitute. [4 definitions]
who're contracted form of "who are."
whorehouse an establishment where prostitutes are for hire; brothel; house of prostitution.
whoremonger a pimp.
whorish of or characteristic of a whore; lewd; promiscuous.
whorl a circular arrangement, as of leaves or petals around a center, or a coiled shape. [4 definitions]
whortleberry one of two European blueberry plants, or the fruit of these plants.
who's contracted form of "who is," or contracted form of "who has."
whose the possessive form of who; of or belonging to which person or persons. [2 definitions]
whosoever whoever (used for emphasis).
why for what reason, purpose, or cause. [5 definitions]
why'd (informal) contracted form of "why did."
why're (informal) contracted form of "why are."
why's (informal) contracted form of "why is."