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womanizer a man who, with sexual intentions, pursues women constantly or excessively.
womankind women collectively, as distinguished from men.
womanless combined form of woman.
womanlike like a woman.
womanly possessing the qualities considered to be desirable in or befitting a woman; feminine.
woman suffrage women's right to vote, esp. in government elections.
womb the uterus. [2 definitions]
wombat any of several Australian marsupials that eat plants, live in burrows, and look like small bears.
women pl. of woman.
womenfolk all women; womankind. [2 definitions]
women's liberation an international movement that seeks to achieve for all women full social, economic, and political equality with men.
Women's National Basketball Association a U.S. sports league formed in 1996 that organizes and regulates the highest level of women's professional basketball competition. (abbr.: WNBA)
women's rights economic, legal, and social rights equal to those accorded to men, claimed by and for women.
won1 past tense and past participle of win.
won2 the chief monetary unit of South Korea, equaling one hundred chon. [2 definitions]
wonder to experience a sensation of admiration or amazement (often fol. by at). [7 definitions]
wonderful causing feelings of wonder or admiration; excellent; extraordinary.
wonderland an imaginary place full of wonders or delightful surprises; fairyland. [2 definitions]
wonderment an expression or feeling of wonder; amazement or awe. [2 definitions]
wonder-stricken stricken or overcome with wonder; full of awe, admiration, or the like; deeply moved or affected.
wonderstruck struck or overcome with wonder; deeply affected; full of awe, admiration, or the like.