z |
the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet. [3 definitions] |
Zagreb |
the capital of Croatia. |
Zaire |
former name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, used from 1971 to 1997. [2 definitions] |
zaire |
the former chief monetary unit of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, equaling one hundred makuta. |
Zakynthos |
an island belonging to Greece, the third largest in the Ionian Sea. |
Zambezi River |
a major river in southern Africa that flows through Zambia, Angola, and Mozambique before emptying into the Indian Ocean. It also touches the borders of Namibia and Botswana and flows along the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. |
Zambia |
a south central African country, south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and east of Angola; formerly Northern Rhodesia. |
zany |
crazily silly or comical. [3 definitions] |
Zan zi bar |
an island off the coast of East Africa that is part of Tanzania. |
zap |
(informal) to kill, strike, destroy, or smash suddenly. [4 definitions] |
Zarathustra |
Zoroaster. |
zarf |
an ornamental coffee cup holder used in the Middle East. |
zayin |
the name of the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Zea |
an genus of flowering plants in the grass family that includes corn and related species. |
zeal |
intense enthusiasm for a person, ideal, cause, or the like. |
zealot |
a person who is excessively and often intolerantly zealous, esp. about a cause or religious faith; fanatic. |
zealous |
characterized by, showing, or filled with an intense enthusiasm, as toward a cause, purpose, or activity. |
zebec |
variant of xebec. |
zebra |
any of various horselike mammals, native to Africa, that have black and white or dark brown stripes on a whitish body. |
zebra crossing |
(chiefly British) a painted pathway of black and white stripes across a road that indicates where pedestrians may cross safely. |
zebrafish |
a small freshwater tropical fish that has zebralike stripes and is often kept in aquariums. |